Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What a busy day!

What a busy day!
Back to work today, it took me forever to get my ass out of bed, but I made it to work on time.
Worked all day long, a busy day as usual (happy tax season!) then I had to go pick up the munchkin for girl scouts. We grabbed a quick dinner at Wendy's (which was disgusting by the way) and made it to girl scouts for 6:30. I decided to head to the mall while she was in with her fellow brownies. I grabbed myself a pumpkin spice latte (surprised Starbucks at the mall still has it!!!) and promptly spilled it all over my pants. Awesome. I sat and relaxed and drank my coffee til it was time to go pick the munchkin up. We arrived home at about 8:30, I put the kid to bed, and I attempted to get the coffee out of my no avail. :( Clothes are now in the dryer and I am attempting a second stain removal attempt on the pants (this time, dawn dish detergent). I will have to do another load of laundry in the am....I am off to bed. Peace out!


  1. LMAO! I have a feeling this is gonna be one funny blog! :)

    1. :) The daily trials and tribulations of me...definitely bound to be funny. Maybe not funny ha ha, but definitely funny in the way it makes me wanna jump off a bridge. Especially today.
