Saturday, February 9, 2013

It's a Blizzahd!!!!!

I have been very busy and slacking in my blogging....but since I have been stuck indoors since yesterday, and will be stuck indoors for the immediate future due to this blizzard we are getting, what better time to sit down and write a post.

We have gotten just about 2 ft of snow in the past 24 hours (or I could say in the past 16 hours since it didn't really start coming down hard until last night). 

Luckily, we have been hunkered down with plenty of snacks and drinks, we haven't lost power or heat, and we are just being lazy. Perfect snow day = movies, internets, coffee, and laziness :)

At some point I will do some homework due Wednesday, but other than's facebook and pinterest to bide my time. I don't mind at all.

I have been trying pinterest recipes as well, eating way too much, but that is ok. Just trying to stay warm LOL.


  1. I can't stand it.....I'm going stir crazy. If it weren't for the fact that someone would steal my parking spot (that we've shoveled out) I would be hitting Lowes for some paint! :P

  2. I am perfectly ok with being stuck inside being totally and completely lazy :)
